Thursday, March 18, 2010

Here we go....

I have certainly never considered myself to be the kind of mom who should be handing out advice about parenting, lets face it I'm still quite a beginner at this whole parenting thing. I do however find comfort in sharing stories of parenthood and marriage in all of it's glory.... and otherwise. As I embark upon being a mom the second time around I look towards other women and their stories to get me through, hopefully with a little bit of grace and without humiliation. I don't promise to know what I'm talking about or make complete sense through sleepless nights and screaming babies. I do hope to be honest and at the very least give someone a little something to laugh about here and there. So with a deep breath and some caffeine...... here we go.

1 comment:

  1. You know what Maria? You should write a book. I am very serious. You are talented and your writing is amazing. Really, think about it. Even the blogs can become chapters.
