Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can I get a little Me Time

Oh the guilts of "me time" when you're married and have kids. First off defining what constitutes "me time" can be quite tricky and well even a little pathetic. There are days when faking having to pee longer just so you can stay in the quiet of the bathroom is all you're going to get. Then there are days like today where my amazing husband (sidebar- my amazing husband whom has been a parent 3 yrs less then me has already managed to achieve Super Dad status which makes him rock in my eyes and also makes me extremely jealous, more to come on him later) who worked all morning comes home and lets me sleep while he watches the baby. Oh how sweet uninterrupted sleep has become, especially since I often don't fall asleep until around 3 am these days.

But along with that "me time" comes a plethora of guilt. Should I be spending this time with the baby because I'll miss one of the many adorable things she does? Does my husband miss me and actually prefer to spend time with me rather then just watch the kids? Will Olivia think I'm a crappy mom and reference back to her youth with sadness over my lack of involvement?.......And then I remember what happens to mommies when they do not get the minimum amount of "me time" and that alternative will be much less pleasing to all parties involved.

So I've learned to accept my husbands generous offering of naps as well as asking Olivia to stay away from mommy for 5 min so no injuries occur. I've learned that there will be more days of sleepless nights, puke covered shirts and "mommy I need you RIGHT NOW!" then there will be of laying around in blissful silence. So I take those moments so that I can be a rocking mommy and wife. But more importantly so I can teach my daughters that you can have a family and not sacrifice every bit of your sanity. That your husband and children will forgive you and probably love you more if you take that time when you need it. Now all I have to do is take up those Salsa dancing classes I've promised myself I would take.....oh and become a righteous drummer even though I never practice...."me time" is exhausting =)

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