Sunday, May 9, 2010

But it's Mothers Day!!

My fantasies about this Mothers Day were similar to past Mothers Days. I would wake up to my daughter's smiling faces and enjoy a day with them that strengthens all of the reasons I became a mother in the first place and would end blissfully with a huge grin on my face. It turned out to be another Mothers Day where I was reminded that fantasies are fantasies for a reason and if I was expecting special treatment I just better get over myself. This should have come as no surprise to me since I cannot recall one that went as planned.

Last year while enjoying an amazing brunch at Capitol City Garage, my favorite, Olivia had to be escorted out by my hubby. which means that he had to carry her out while she screamed I hate you at the top of her lungs, I had a few extra Mimosas that day. This morning carried it's own special reminders of what it really is to have kids. As I enjoyed my first couple of bites of breakfast in bed I was given quite a guilt trip by Olivia as she asked me "Am I going to get breakfast today or do I just have to watch you eat it all?" Well Happy Mothers Day to you too!! Then my precious four month old was carried in to greet me and surprised me with her typical puke stained kisses, like I should have expected anything else. There were also some fun tantrums in the middle of Target but hey like I said before I better just get over myself.

Through all of this I experienced the expected frustrations and the desire to shout "But it's Mothers day!! Don't you have to be nice to me!?" Then I remembered that it's really just another day, puke and tantrums included. I also have to remember that the reasons I became a mom have very little to do with special holidays thanking me for it. As I sit here with Olivia banished upstairs for the rest of the night which just means that she gets to yell requests across the house now, I'm reminded that there is nothing perfect about motherhood. My rewards don't come packaged up in special days with perfect attitudes. They come in their little faces and ridiculous smiles along with the mommy I love yous sprinkled in. When I go in their rooms at night and watch them sleeping it feels like everyday is a gift and that is all I really need.